blake marques carrington
vimeo highlights:
044 Bonsai-Gan / collaboration with Tei Blow / 2020
Video documentation on Vimeo
Collaboration between Blake Marques Carrington & Tei Blow
single-channel video w sound, Raspberry Pi, 4” square screen, custom mount, Bluetooth speaker, deep-cycle marine battery, power inverter, tree
An A.I. learns how to cultivate bonsai. “Bonsai-Gan” is a video created with machine learning tools, with a voiceover giving a narrative counterpoint to the evolving visual forms. The voiceover touches on the history of bonsai, the aestheticized practice of control over nature, and the blurred boundaries between humans, nature, and technology.
For this work a type of artificial intelligence called a Generative Adversarial Network (GAN) was used. In this type of network, two different A.I.’s participate in a feedback loop of creation and critique — hence the term “adversarial”. The first, called the Discriminator, is trained on a database of images. In this case, the artists trained it on a folder of images of bonsai trees. The second A.I., called the Generator, hasn’t been trained on the images. The Generator tries to “draw” images that the Discriminator then thinks are similar to the things it was trained on. Since the Generator has no idea what to draw, it starts out with a random matrix of red, green and blue pixels. The Discriminator critiques the image, and the Generator makes another. This feedback loop of creation and critique is repeated thousands of times, until recognizable images start to form. The Discriminator eventually decides that the images are of the same thing it was trained on. These output images are not photographic in any way… they are products of the creative negotiation between the two A.I.’s.
“Bonsai-gan” was made specifically for the exhibition “Earthly Delights”, staged in Prospect Park in Brooklyn by Good Naked Gallery, curated by Jaqueline Cedar. A small video screen mounted to a Raspberry Pi microcontroller was mounted to a tree, with power provided by a deep-cycle marine battery and 400W power inverter. A bluetooth speaker hung from a branch. The venue of Prospect Park itself offered some conceptual resonance with the topic of bonsai — both are seemingly natural things that are actually heavily designed. Humans are now at a transition point in our relationship with technology. A.I. is designed by us, but is on the cusp of becoming a new kind of nature.
Tei Blow website
Good Naked Gallery
053 Study on Reflections (Delayed But Not Forgotten)
052 Black Box Drawings
051 Create New Formations (Facade version)
050 Study on the Metaphysical Status of a Table
049 An Infinite Density Over Zero
048 Computational Landscape Series
047 Seismoglyph (Mitosis version)
046 Artbook Trilogy
045 Plasmatic FK
044 Bonsai-Gan
043 The Albers Variations
042 A Mess That Encodes
041 An Extended Bootleg
040 A Scattered Bootleg
039 TYWMC at FILE Festival São Paulo
038 TYWMC at Mapbox Locate
037 An Infinite Distance Between Two Points
036 The End of Information
035 Patti Smith Italy Tour
034 Strata Systems v02_NIJIMI
033 Killer Road
032 The Year We Make Contact
031 Bessarabia Ghost Tapes
030 Strata Systems v01_LOCI
029 Performance at The Icebox for Shaping a Signal
028 A Strong Hand That Nonetheless Gets You Nowhere
027 Apple Blossom Time
026 Loci_Convergence
025 Noisebed
024 Loci_Palimpsest
023 The Ornithologist Ghosthunter
022 Erosion/Evaporation (Scan Reina Sofia)
020 Haeinsa_Palimpsest
018 High and Low (Sightlines)
017 Dis/continuum
016 Cathedral Scan
015 Suomenlinna Ornithological Society
014 Loci_
012 Topoextension
011 ATS02: Solve
007 ATS01: Wisp
005 Moby the Mobile Projection Unit
004 Avalanche at Broad Street